When you see an ad for Viagra or Cialis it usually features an attractive older guy with an even more attractive older lover. He wistfully looks at her and we imagine that the couple will soon be off to have hot, old-people sex. So what is a twenty-something guy with a broken dick to think? "How the f*** is this happening to me?" And who can blame him? All of his friends are lying about their own imagined sexual conquests of bootylicious babes. Guess what? 30% of his brahs can't get it up either, according to recently published research. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28642047/
Younger men can have psychogenic challenges including depression and anxiety, hormonal deficiencies, or physical (organic) problems. The physical problems are usually related to vascular disease. With younger men, the problem may be more related to an inability to trap the blood in the penis, instead of decreased blood flow to the penis. PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra increase blood flow, but don't stop the venous leak per se. By increasing the amount of blood in the penis, they make it less noticeable.

Some men get around the problem by taking pills. Taking a pill is easy, although that doesn't address the problem directly, and portends of lifelong dependency on medications that are expensive and have potential side effects. There are a variety of constriction rings available that sell for between $5.00 and $300.00. Some of these have more bells and whistles than others, but they all operate on the same fundamental principals embodied by "cock rings" available at adult bookstores. More recently there has been some success found in minimally invasive procedures which occlude the offending veins. https://oatext.com/erectile-dysfunction-and-caverno-venous-leak-disease.php
Many men have a little of this, and a little of that. They may find that when they are feeling well-rested and confident with the right partner, they have no problem hitting the ball out of the park. They don't want to have to wear a ring, or take a pill. They just want to be spontaneous. The same processes that allow men to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system also benefit the blood vessels in the penis. The best natural cure for erectile dysfunction is a healthy diet, exercise, rest and to stop smoking. There is an avalanche of new data suggesting that radial waves and focused waves may help many men, particularly those with vascular insufficiency, get better erections through both direct effects on the blood vessels, as well as regenerative qualities. https://www.uroshock.com/