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Natural Testosterone: Is More Always Better?

Writer's picture: Michael Kaplan MDMichael Kaplan MD

Updated: Sep 9, 2021

Testosterone manufacturers have come under fire recently for failing to adequately warn patients of the potential dangers of their products. In total, there were thousands of lawsuits resulting in payments of hundreds of millions of dollars. But what about the manufacturers of "natural" testosterone boosters? Cam an herbal extract also result in harm? Let's look at increasing testosterone by using lifestyle changes, and examine the evidence regarding the use of natural boosters.

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally Without Supplements

* Reduce stress, and reduce cortisol. There seems to be an inverse relationship between cortisol and testosterone.

* Besides the obvious and enduring benefits of exercise it has also been shown to increase testosterone levels and semen parameters. Take your pick! High intensity workouts and resistance training both have been shown to have this extra bonus.

* Don't burn the candle at both ends. Make sure that you get enough sleep. The majority of testosterone release occurs during sleep, and T levels peak in the early morning hours. Even in young men, sleep deprivation results in plummeting testosterone levels.

* Avoid soy products, but feel free to have that extra cup of caffeinated coffee!

What About Natural Testosterone Boosters? Do They Even Work?

The answer is sometimes. Most testosterone boosters have multiple ingredients with very little evidence to suggest efficacy. For instance, some dubious products contain massive amounts of random vitamins. A common myth is that providing "extra" Vitamin D will somehow magically increase Testosterone, despite evidence to the contrary. It almost seems like the marketing plan for some promoters is to put as many exotic sounding extracts in their pills as possible. Sadly, there are few prospective studies on humans to back up nebulous claims abounding with ill-defined, hollow assertions.

Two herbal components stand apart and seem to have plausible benefits backed up with solid data obtained in prospective human studies: fenugreek and ashwagandha.

Testosterone Replacement Reverses Androgen Deficiency- AKA Androgen Pause Or Hypogonadism. Symptoms Include:

1)Decreased muscle mass

2)Decreased bone mass

3)Increased central body fat

4)Decreased sexual desire-low libido

What Are The Dangers of Too Much Testosterone? If Testosterone Boosters Really Work, Can They Cause The Same Type Of Problems As Conventional Replacement?

Excessive Testosterone has been linked to BPH (prostate growth causing urinary symptoms), prostate cancer, cardiovascular events including pulmonary embolism, erythrocytosis, gynecomastia (breast growth), acne, male pattern baldness and liver disease. For unexplained reasons, some men think that these side effects don't apply to testosterone produced "naturally" by boosters. Testosterone seems to arouse clotting factors. The effect does not discriminate between testosterone that is natural or exogenous. The results can be catastrophic, and even lead to pulmonary embolism.

Testosterone is just one of many components that have a bearing on sexual function. During the decades that I practiced urology, among the many thousands of patients I treated, I had a handful of patients who underwent androgen ablation for the treatment of prostate cancer yet remained sexually active. They had virtually no discernible testosterone, yet they continued to have sexual intercourse. Unquestionably, testosterone is of critical importance, but its just one of many pieces to the puzzle. As men age their T levels tend to decline, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and remaining trim can help prevent this. Signs of low T include decreased libido, low energy, diminished sexual desire and strength. However, that doesn't necessarily imply a low T level as those symptoms are ubiquitous as men age. The best recommendation is to adopt healthy lifestyle changes for a variety of reasons, and have an early morning Testosterone blood test to make a definitive diagnosis.


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